Friday, August 19, 2016

De-Mineralization Plants

Image result for dm plants

Demineralization or Deionisation is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralisation and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation.
We manufacture a Wide range of Dematerializing plants for industrial process water applications. They are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated, Semiautomatic or fully Automatic.We are also dong revamping of old plants.

Principle of Operation :

A Typical two-bed DM Plant consists of two MS Rubber lined Pressure vessels connected in series along with its internal fittings. The first unit consists of high capacity strongly acidic cation exchange resin, which converts positive ions of salt and replaces them with hydrogen ions to form respective acids, which are absorbed in next vessel by strongly basic anion exchange resin. The water obtained by this process shows conductivity less than 20 ยต S / cm at 25 Deg C and total dissolved solids less than 10 ppm.
Further high purity water can be achieved by Mixed Bed Deionisers, which are designed to produce high purity treated water. They can be used as polishing units after two bed DM Plant to obtain high purity water. Mixed Bed Deionisers are single column units, filled with strongly acidic cation and strongly basic anion exchange resins mixed together.
There are four distinct stages in the operation of Deionisers
  • Service
  • Backwashing
  • Regeneration
  • Rinse/remix

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

DM Plant

Pacific Enviro offers De-Mineralization The demineralization process utilizes acid regenerated cation resin & caustic regenerated anion resin to remove minerals from water. We offer DM Plants of different sizes as per requirement of the customers. Trolley mounted automatic operation DM Plants are also available for small industries and laboratories.

ETP plants

PACIFIC provides effluent treatment solutions for various types of industrial waste water. Customized systems to suit the wide variety of effluents and to maintain efficiency are provided to industries – systems based on physico-chemical and biological treatments and membrane separation are offered to suit efficiency. We have the experience and capability to design and commission a host of clarifiers, filters, aeration, coagulation and settling systems for waste from industries like chemicals, drugs, pharma, refineries, leachates, etc.

Recycle and reuse of treated effluents is profitable in the ever deteriorating environment of water scarcity. Reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration systems and other tertiary treatment processes make this possible for industries keen on resource optimisation.

Effluent treatment plants

PACIFIC provides effluent treatment solutions for various types of industrial waste water. Customized systems to suit the wide variety of effluents and to maintain efficiency are provided to industries – systems based on physicochemical and biological treatments and membrane separation are offered to suit efficiency. We have the experience and capability to design and commission a host of clarifiers, filters, aeration, coagulation and settling systems for waste from industries like chemicals, drugs, pharma, refineries, leachates, etc.
Recycle and reuse of treated effluents is profitable in the ever deteriorating environment of water scarcity. Reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration systems and other tertiary treatment processes make this possible for industries keen on resource optimizations.

Mineral Water plants.

Today the company is well reputed for all ranges of water treatment equipments. Pacific enviro water treatment plants cater to various applications like sea water desalination, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, electronics, chemicals, mineral water, process, boiler feed, cooling and chilling circuits and many more. The important advantage we offer is total commitment in all relevant water technologies. At Pacific we provide total water management solution. Purifying water to ensure safe water for human consumption for homes and communities.
We treat the water with care to meet the quality requirements for any process in the industries. Treating the waste water for reuse and protecting the environment.

Packaged Mineral Water plants

Today the company is well reputed for all ranges of water treatment equipments. Pacific enviro water treatment plants cater to various applications like sea water desalination, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, electronics, chemicals, mineral water, process, boiler feed, cooling and chilling circuits and many more. The important advantage we offer is total commitment in all relevant water technologies. At Pacific we provide total water management solution. Purifying water to ensure safe water for human consumption for homes and communities.
We treat the water with care to meet the quality requirements for any process in the industries. Treating the waste water for reuse and protecting the environment.

RO chemicals

PACIFIC supplied all Water and waste water related chemicals with good concentration and good Price. All Individuals water related Spare also pacific will capable to supply the same.
  • Water and Waste Water chemicals
  • Ro Plant Chemicals
  • Boiler chemicals
  • Cooling Tower Chemicals
  • Media
  • Culture Powder
  • MLSS…Etc

PSF Filter (Pressure Sand Filter)

Design, manufacture and install water treatment plants for varied industries on turnkey basis. Water treatment systems are used for removal of specific contaminants and improving drinking water for taste. Water treatment systems and devices may improve water quality by reducing certain health hazards, including chemical pollutants and bacteria and by removing hardness or odors. They generally treat water using methods such as filtration, disinfection, distillation and softeners.

ACF Filter (Activated Carbon Filter)

Design, manufacture and install water treatment plants for varied industries on turnkey basis. Water treatment systems are used for removal of specific contaminants and improving drinking water for taste. Water treatment systems and devices may improve water quality by reducing certain health hazards, including chemical pollutants and bacteria and by removing hardness or odors. They generally treat water using methods such as filtration, disinfection, Distillation and softeners.

Water and Waste Water plant Operation and Maintenance.

We provide services for operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plants (WTP), RO PlantEffluent Treatment Plants (ETP), Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) and utility facility operations. Our operation and maintenance services are available round the clock for operation, trouble shooting, servicing and overhauling of treatment units. As we are also manufacturers of all these plants, it is easier for the operation and maintenance of the plant along with enhancement of the performance. This helps in maintaining treatment efficiencies & preventing break down of the plant units.

Operation and Maintenance

We provide services for operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plants (WTP), RO Plant,Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP), Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) and utility facility operations. Our operation and maintenance services are available round the clock for operation, trouble shooting, servicing and overhauling of treatment units. As we are also manufacturers of all these plants, it is easier for the operation and maintenance of the plant along with enhancement of the performance. This helps in maintaining treatment efficiencies & preventing break down of the plant units.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Domestic Water Plants

Our clients can avail from us commercial RO system, which is portable and provides clean drinking water by removing pesticides, color, bad odor, pesticides and other harmful chemical impurities from water. Easy to install, this system is ideal to be used in schools, offices, engineering colleges, and pharmaceutical companies. Offered at industry leading price, this system is also utilized by companies that provide packaged drinking water. We are one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of RO water purification systems such as institutional ro systems, commercial ro system, reverse osmosis system and domestic ro system.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Pacific Enviro offers De-Mineralization The demineralization process utilizes acid regenerated cation resin & caustic regenerated anion resin to remove minerals from water. We offer DM Plants of different sizes as per requirement of the customers.


Softeners are used to remove Hardness in the water. Pacific uses the proven Ion exchange process to remove the hardness in water. Our Softeners use 100 % corrosion resistant FRP tanks and User friendly Multiport Valve system.


Softeners are used to remove Hardness in the water. Pacific uses the proven Ion exchange process to remove the hardness in water. Our Softeners use 100 % corrosion resistant FRP tanks and User friendly Multiport Valve system.


Iron removal units are used to reduce the iron content (Yellow Color) in the water, thereby preventing Scaling & Coloring of Pipes, Fittings & Accessories. Pacific Iron removal units use a proprietary Media which ensures very efficient removal of iron.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Today the company is well reputed for all ranges of water treatment equipments. Pacific enviro water treatment plants cater to various applications like sea water desalination, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, electronics, chemicals, mineral water, process, boiler feed, cooling and chilling circuits and many more.The important advantage we offer is total commitment in all relevant water technologies.


PACIFIC Mains water supplied to households is used for many purposes, other than drinking and food preparation, notably bathing and showering, toilet flushing and the washing of utensils, dishes and clothes. Except where main drainage is not installed, the used water gravitates to the local sewer and becomes 'sewage'.


PACIFIC Mains water supplied to households is used for many purposes, other than drinking and food preparation, notably bathing and showering, toilet flushing and the washing of utensils, dishes and clothes. Except where main drainage is not installed, the used water gravitates to the local sewer and becomes 'sewage'.


Today the company is well reputed for all ranges of water treatment equipments. Pacific enviro water treatment plants cater to various applications like sea water desalination, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, electronics, chemicals, mineral water, process, boiler feed, cooling and chilling circuits and many more.